Mrs. Frost

La vie est belle.

Posted: October 3, 2013

7F Homework        The cookie campaign is wrapping up. Please bring your cookie dough orders. Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes. Finish Medical School.   Math: p.18-19 Q. 3,4,6,7,9 Science: Graph  Assignment due Monday   8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Article due tomorrow.  7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Finish the Name that Part of Speech page-both sides. Impressive rappers today! Did you see the purple people eater? :)

Posted: October 2, 2013

Smile!!!! Picture Day tomorrow!!!!   Class pictures are on Friday. 7F Homework        Please bring your cookie dough orders as soon as you get them. Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.    Math: p. 18  questions 1&2  8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Continue listing the details of your memoir. Go back and add sensory details. What did you see, hear or feel?  7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Presenting “Rappin’ Grammar” tomorrow!  

Posted: September 30, 2013

Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes. First prompt is   "What I Know To Be True About Reading".  Look at the notes you made in class after our discussion. CHoose one idea and write a one paragraph response.  I have posted mine here as a model.  Be honest, make a statement about reading, and give examples to back up your thoughts.  This is due on Wednesday, next reading workshop day. Math:  Question1, 2,3,4                                                                       8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes.  Your notebooks were full of awesome ideas! Thanks for sharing.  Come tomorrow with a memory that you want to write about.  Consult your writing territiories and community sketch.  Article of the week due on Friday. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Practice “Rappin’ Grammar” that you are presenting on Thursday. Work on your prompt as described above.

Posted: September 25, 2013

7F Homework        Please bring your cookie dough orders as soon as you get them. Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Wonderful rappers today! I loved your enthusiasm and creativity! Use your “Rappin’ Grammar” poem to complete Name that Part  of Speech. Math:  page 8  Question1, p. 9 Question #3  Science :     Bring in materials for ecosystems.                                                                         8S L.A. – Read 30 minutes. Add 6 more categories to your writing territories.  Choose a topic of your choice and write for 15 minutes.   You should have the following completed in your Writer’s Notebook: “Where I’m From” first draft, response to “Little Wonders” and an entry of your choice.  I will be collecting your notebooks on Friday. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Record two questions you have from your reading. Practice “Rappin’ Grammar”.

Posted: September 12, 2013

7F Homework         Language Arts:   Read 30 minutes.  Practice  “Rappin’ Grammar”. Math:  page 65  Questions 1-9                                                                                Meet the Teacher is tonight at 6:00p.m.   I’d love to meet you! 8S L.A. – Article of the week is due tomorrow. Read 30 minutes. 7R L.A. - Read 30 minutes.  Practice  “Rappin’ Grammar”.

Posted: September 11, 2013

Come out and meet your teens' teachers!

Posted: June 7, 2013

Grade seven students have been doing literacy circles/discussion groups on their choice of Valerie Sherrard groups. As of today, they have completed four roles.  They need to continue to read and do roles nightly. All their seven roles need to be passed in on Wednesday June 12.  They are also working on a Book-in -the-Box  project during class.  They will present these on Thursday and Friday.   Sample connector role: They need to find two connections in their book. 1) When I read, “a hot nine hour trip” it reminded me of driving to Ontario. 13hours!  It was quite boring and I bet Stanley was bored having to sit on a hot bus for nine hours. Most people wouldn’t be able to handle sitting in a vehicle that long.  I’m kind of use to it now though, driving to Ontario twice and to New York City.       2)  Page 100 Holes “…he felt a jerk of astonishment. His mouth silently formed the name Kate Barlow…” I love this moment that Stanley just felt! It’s that moment you realize that you spent searching your mind for that one thing that was in the tip of your tongue the whole time! I have this feeling in math class. I’ll ask millions of questions then Boom, it hits me and I can’t believe I didn’t realize it like a hour ago.   Passage Master: Choose two selections from your book. Chapter 27 p. 116 “Every time Mr. Sir delivered water he poured Stanley’s  straight onto the ground… Mr. Pendanski  always gave Stanley a little extra. He’d fill Stanley’s canteen, let him take a long drink and then top off his canteen.”    I think this small paragraph is interesting because again Stanley is getting a little bit of special treatment; not that he doesn’t deserve it.  Mr. Sir is being an idiot but I just hope the other boys don’t see or they’ll be angry. Chapter 29 p.128  I think the phrase” I found refuge on God’s thumb” is puzzling.  I think…                  

Posted: May 13, 2013

 Math- p.292-293   1-3  Test on Wednesday LA- You began the draft in class.. Pass in good copy tomorrow.  Reading Response   for  May 14 Book Title____________ Author ______________               Often main characters will grow in confidence and learn howto accept themselves in some new way. Cite an example of how theprotagonist found a source of strength. Describe how you felt as thereader when this happened in the book you are currently reading. (If you just started a new book, then write about your last book). Consider this prompt and respond by writing about half a page. Remember, as always, I want to know what you think about your book and why.  This is the simplified version below. RUBRIC Capture your thinking                      4 3 2 1 Supporting details from book             4 3 2 1Clarity                                                    4 3 2 1  Voice/personality                                 4 3 2 1 Grammar                                               4 3 2 1  

Posted: April 30, 2013

7F Math- QUIZ, complete both sides of woorksheet in preparation French- quiz English-Read 30 minutes,  spelling assignment due on Monday Science- none 7B-  Read  30 minutes.  AAAWWUBBIS! 8S L.A.-Read 30 minutes. Spelling assignment due on Monday.

Posted: April 28, 2013

Do you remember AAAWWUBBIS? Memorize for tomorrow! After Although As When While Until Before Because If Since  


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