Ms. Munn - Archived 2024

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Posted: October 12, 2017

Students were introduced to Home Children f as an example of disempowerment. They will answer four questions regarding the Home Children from what they read and saw. Answers are to be in complete sentences. Students also began watching a video on the Home Children, which is entitled, Childhood Lost: The Story of Canada's Home Children. 

Next week we will look at other immigrant groups and individuals as we continue to work with understanding the components of empowerment and disempowerment as it relates to Canada's past and present.

Posted: October 12, 2017

Students are currenltly working on concepts related to meaures of central tendency- mean, median and mode.

In the next week this will be expanded to include range and outliers. The emphasis is on understanding when each measure is most useful and applying the information to "real life situations".

Posted: October 12, 2017

Grade 6 students are completing a unit test Friday (October 13)

Integers as well as large numbers will be part of this test.

Posted: February 24, 2016

Grade 8 Students are currently working on outcomes which are found in Unit 5 0 Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents. Then students will work with fractions, ratios, and rates.

There are numerous helpful videos on YouTube and at the Khan Academy website. Students are srtongly encouraged to use various videos and websites for additional practice and to find other examples to support their learning above and beyond the questions we use in class.

Posted: December 1, 2015

Square Numbers and Square Roots Pythagorean Theorem In class students are using a variety of work sheets to learn how to measure triangles and create squares around each side and then compare the area of these squares to see if any relationship exists between the area of the squares for acute, obtuse, or right triangles.

Posted: October 28, 2015

The following documents are the questions students worked on in class in groups.They began graphing the co-ordinates they calculated on the first four pages.A test will occur by Tuesday or Wednesday next week (Nov 3 or 4).

Posted: September 14, 2015

Page 73-74    Question 3,     4 (a, c, e, g, i),            8 (a, c, e,g)    11,    13,     16

Posted: March 9, 2015

Homework! Finish "Review of Past Outcomes" Assignment. It is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. I have attached the assignment in case it was lost or forgotten at school. 
File grade_7_review_march.docx42.69 KB

Posted: March 9, 2015

Homework! Finish "Review of Past Outcomes" Assignment. It is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. I have attached the assignment in case it was lost or forgotten at school. 
File grade_8_review_march.docx19.88 KB

Posted: February 23, 2015

Homework: Finish Assignment of 6 questions given in class. 



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