Ms. Munn - Archived 2024 Notes

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            Please log in to your school email account this week.

We are moving to TEAMS for all weekly assignments except for Currents4Kids.

Each of you has been assigned to a CLASS TEAM!

You will find your invitation in your email.

To login to your email you need your school username and the password you would have used to login to a computer at school. If you have forgotten your username or password please send a message to your Humanities teacher by any email address you can access or by asking your teacher contact when they get in touch this week.

To get into your email:

Google "" or click the link:

Choose the "Outlook" icon 

Enter your username followed by


You should see an invitation to your Team, which will have a link, you click to go to the Team. There is a Welcome message in Posts, which you can read, and you can look in the Class Notebook. Where we have placed some background information for you to read. 

In your email, you will also find an invitation to a class meeting. 

Please let me know as soon as possible if you are not able to get to your email, cannot remember your password, or do not have an invitation to the class meeting (later this week).

Remember we as teachers are all learning this with you and we will be making changes and asking you to provide feedback about how things are working for you. We will be asking what we can improve and how we can make this a great educational experience for all of you. 

Although this unexpected school closure has caused us to implement these changes now, we have always planned to use Teams for teaching, assigning, and grading. This is a great opportunity to get use to technology that we will be using instructionally in the Fall. We are committed to ensuring that you can learn seamlessly in school and at home. No more lost papers, no trying to find your drafts, no more misplaced notebooks---everything you do can be kept in your personal notebook in your class Team. Even better if you have a partner you can use your collaborative workspace to work on your project. You can actually work together from anywhere as long as you have internet. If your partner(s) are absent you can still work. 

Have ideas to share with the class you can chat in posts to the whole class or if you are assigned group work you can chat with just your group members. Want to share links or helpful resources you can send me a message with what you found and we can add it to our class content. As we grow and learn the capabilities of Teams together, I am sure we will continue to find ways that we can use Teams to make learning, sharing, and connecting easier.

Posted: May 19, 2020

If you have not gotten your username or password just send me an email ( and I will send it to as soon as I can.

1) Read the article titledCooking for a Crowd”

2) When you finish reading, answer the "On-the-Lines" quiz questions. You will have 3 chances to get them right. You can see your results, and a copy is available for me to see too.

3) Next try the "Between-the-Lines" quiz.

4) In the "Respond to This Story" section, choose ONE of the questions and answer it in the "Response" box. When you have finished typing your answer, click "Review", and I will receive your answer.

5) The "Find Out More" section provides opportunities for you to view more information about the Hubble Telescope through articles, pictures, and interactive programs. Look at this and see what else you can learn.


Please continue to read other materials of interest to you from whatever sources are available to you – books, magazines, newspapers, online articles, etc… The Choice Board writing assignments are available as well. You may continue to send these to me. I love reading your writing!

Posted: May 11, 2020

If you have not gotten your username or password just send me an email ( and I will send it to as soon as I can.

1) Read the article titledHomegrown Soccer Superstar”

2) When you finish reading, answer the "On-the-Lines" quiz questions. You will have 3 chances to get them right. You can see your results, and a copy is available for me to see too.

3) Next try the "Between-the-Lines" quiz.

4) In the "Respond to This Story" section, choose ONE of the questions and answer it in the "Response" box. When you have finished typing your answer, click "Review", and I will receive your answer.

5) The "Find Out More" section provides opportunities for you to view more information about the Hubble Telescope through articles, pictures, and interactive programs. Look at this and see what else you can learn.


Please continue to read other materials of interest to you from whatever sources are available to you – books, magazines, newspapers, online articles, etc… The Choice Board writing assignments are available as well. You may continue to send these to me. I love reading your writing!

Hello again,

This week I am adding some reading materials for you. I have registered all my students with an online resource called Currents4Kids. To access this site, you will need to use an assigned username and password, which I have. Send me an email ( and I will send them to you.

Once you login to the site, I want you to:


1) Read the article titled "The First Inuit Novel "

2) When you finish reading, answer the "On-the-Lines" quiz questions. You will have 3 chances to get them right. You can see your results, and a copy is available for me to see too.

3) Next try the "Between-the-Lines" quiz.

4) In the "Respond to This Story" section, choose ONE of the questions and answer it in the "Response" box. When you have finished typing your answer, click "Review", and I will receive your answer.

5) The "Find Out More" section provides opportunities for you to view more information about the Hubble Telescope through articles, pictures, and interactive programs. Look at this and see what else you can learn.


Please continue to read other materials of interest to you from whatever sources are available to you – books, magazines, newspapers, online articles, etc… The Choice Board writing assignments are available as well. You may continue to send these to me. I love reading your writing!



Hello everyone, 

I am finally getting used to social isolation and have a bit of a rountine going. Hopefully all of you are as well. I think it helps that the weather is getting warmer and the days are longer too. I hope all of you are getting out to enjoy the weather. 

It is "Mother's Day" this weekend so I hope you are all able to plan something "at home" that your mom (or another important adult in your life) will enjoy. Our new menu includes an option to write a poem, but you could also write a letter, or create soemthing else that the adult in your life would enjoy. Speaking as a parent, we really do treasure "homemade" gifts the most.

There are lots of other choices on the board including a couple of picture prompts. I hope you enjoy the choices and I look forward to being able to read your writing.

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Posted: April 19, 2020

Thank you for all the wonderful notes and stories. I really enjoyed reading your assignments. Thanks for sharing what you are reading and what you are doing to "stay busy" at home. I got a lot of really great stories which I enjoyed reading.

There is a new choice board "round 2 literacy plan..." but please feel free to choose something from the last one if you prefer.

I am really lookign forward to what you all send this week and next!

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Posted: April 6, 2020


Hey everyone,


I am stuck at home as are all of you. I am definitely missing all of you. If I have not called you, please feel free to send me an email. If you have any news to share, a cool project you would like me to see, or you just want to say hello and catch me up on your life I would like to hear from you. I definitely miss our daily chats.


In case you are missing writing and especially picture prompts, I am posting a choice board. If you write something please share it with me(don’t forget to put your name on it) and maybe even some of your friends. I hope everyone is still reading too.


My email:

Keep safe and wash your hands!

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Posted: December 5, 2018

Students have been working on projects for about one week now. The research portion should wrap up Friday. Work on display boards will begin Monday. Please see the attached document for an outline of what is expected and the timeline.

 I also have attached a list of categories which students were given to help some of them choose a specific topic.

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Parents and Students

Language Arts. Social Studies, and 21C are fully integrated for these two classes. To ensure that students are meeting the curriculum outcomes in all subjects areas we will use articles, discussions, videos, and class reading to ensure  that students are making connections between these content areas. Most of our assignments will be evaluated for content in Social Studies and for reading. writing, speaking and listening skills in Language Arts.

All students should be reading both at school and at home. The research with regard to academic success and reading fluency is very convincing. Students can and should read frequently and will be offered significant amounts of time during their school day to accomplish this. However, some students may need to read at home as well to meet the goals they established in class.

Writing will serve many purposes in our classroom. We will write to help us understand our reading, to explore ideas in all subject areas, to share our ideas, and to develop skills in various styles of writing throughout the year. When students are working on a "major" writing assignment this will be posted on this page along with due dates, and criteria for success (rubrics, etc).

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me.


Posted: October 12, 2017

Students were introduced to Home Children f as an example of disempowerment. They will answer four questions regarding the Home Children from what they read and saw. Answers are to be in complete sentences. Students also began watching a video on the Home Children, which is entitled, Childhood Lost: The Story of Canada's Home Children. 

Next week we will look at other immigrant groups and individuals as we continue to work with understanding the components of empowerment and disempowerment as it relates to Canada's past and present.

Posted: October 12, 2017

Students are currenltly working on concepts related to meaures of central tendency- mean, median and mode.

In the next week this will be expanded to include range and outliers. The emphasis is on understanding when each measure is most useful and applying the information to "real life situations".

Posted: October 12, 2017

Grade 6 students are completing a unit test Friday (October 13)

Integers as well as large numbers will be part of this test.

Posted: February 24, 2016

Grade 8 Students are currently working on outcomes which are found in Unit 5 0 Converting between fractions, decimals, and percents. Then students will work with fractions, ratios, and rates.

There are numerous helpful videos on YouTube and at the Khan Academy website. Students are srtongly encouraged to use various videos and websites for additional practice and to find other examples to support their learning above and beyond the questions we use in class.

Posted: December 1, 2015

Square Numbers and Square Roots Pythagorean Theorem In class students are using a variety of work sheets to learn how to measure triangles and create squares around each side and then compare the area of these squares to see if any relationship exists between the area of the squares for acute, obtuse, or right triangles.

Posted: October 28, 2015

The following documents are the questions students worked on in class in groups.They began graphing the co-ordinates they calculated on the first four pages.A test will occur by Tuesday or Wednesday next week (Nov 3 or 4).
