Mrs. Cabel Notes

Grade 8s Win Knight Factor!


Posted: February 6, 2020

All grade 8 ELA classes are to complete the following assignment, which is due on Tuesday.  In the case of a snow day on Friday, students are expected to use their time to work on this assignment.

Articles of the Week are due on Friday.  If there is a snow day, they will be collected on Monday.

Posted: February 4, 2020

8S and 8L: Today we finished reading to the end of chapter 6.  We also completed a quick write and began our Article of the Week.  Students will have time tomorrow to work on their Articles of the Week.  They are due by the end of the week.

8R: We have read to pg. 93 of the text.  We began our Articles of the Week today - we will have more time tomorrow to work on them.

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Posted: January 28, 2020

8S and 8L: We read to the end of chapter 4 and began an assignment on the eye motif in this novel.  Students will have class time to work on this tomorrow and it is due on Thursday.

8R: Today we continued to work on our spelling program and our music project.

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Posted: January 25, 2020

8S and 8R: On Friday, we read to page 62

8L: We read to page 60

8R - don't forget that your critical reading questions are due on Monday.  8S and 8L handed them in on Friday.

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Posted: January 21, 2020

8S and 8L- Today we read to the end of chapter 3.

8R- We have read to page 47.  Remember to finish your Darry assignment for tomorrow.

Posted: January 19, 2020

All classes have read to the end of chapter 2. 

8S and 8L - homework is to complete the Darry inferencing activity.

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Posted: January 16, 2020

8L and 8S: Today, we read to page 27 in the book. Please read these pages on your own if you were absent.

Posted: January 15, 2020

8S, 8L, and 8R: We have read to the end of chapter one.  Please make sure that if you are absent, you are keeping up with the reading.

Posted: September 30, 2019

8S and 8L: We are in the middle of a writing unit; students are writing snapshot moments.  We began with looking at mentor texts and reading like writers.  We are now moving from the prewriting stage and into our leads.  

8R: The students have been working on prewriting their narrative snapshot moments.  Tomorrow, we will learn how to write effective leads for this genre.  In humanities, we have also been focusing on the upcoming federal election.  Students are learning about their rights and responsibilities, different types of governments across the world, and the different levels of government in Canada.  Next, they will learn about the political parties and specific information about the federal election itself.  We will hold our Student Vote on Wednesday, October 16th!

Posted: September 10, 2019

I just wanted to give an update of what our time has looked like over the past week.  With our move to personalized learning, we are beginning our year in humanities with baseline assessments of all students in the areas of reading and writing.  This will give us detailed information regarding each individual student's needs as well as a broader scope of need in our classes and school.  The students have been troopers throughout this process!  

Posted: September 3, 2019

Welcome back, Knights!  I look forward to another amazing year of grade 8 humanities.  Please check out our course outlines!

Posted: May 26, 2019

Last week, all students who are missing assignments were given a list of the assignments owed.  These are all important pieces of evidence to prove that they are meeting grade level outcomes.  They know that it is their responsibility to make sure that these assignments are completed and handed in.  Please ask your child if he/she has any owing assignments.

Posted: May 26, 2019

We have been working on a poetry unit for the past couple of weeks.  The students have written some found poetry and last week, we learned how to do a poetry analysis.  Students will have one more class day tomorrow to work on their analysis - if they are not done in class, they will be due Tuesday for homework.  For the students doing enrichment versions of the analysis, I will discuss a later due date with you.

Posted: April 26, 2019

A reminder to 8R, 8S, and 8M - your essays are due in final copy on Monday.

Posted: April 17, 2019

Currently, we are in the drafting stage of our persuasive essays.  Students should have their drafts completed for Tuesday in order to begin the revision process.
